Lower Back Pain Expert Greenwich


As Greenwich’s number one lower back pain expert, Darren’s philosophy is pretty simple: find the root cause of the patient’s low back and pelvic pain.

He will do this in the following ways. First is to listen to the patient’s story. And he will more than just listen, he will actively listen. A patient’s journey with their back and pelvic pain is so, so important. But when did the problems start? How did they start? Was there a specific injury? Or did it come on insidiously and slowly over time? Was there another injury somewhere else in the body that led to the back pain starting?

Secondly, he will assess the patient holistically, looking at the person’s standing posture. Are there any twists in the pelvis, the trunk, asymmetries of the shoulder girdle, hip position, knee and foot position too?

click the buttons below to read more about back pain.

Lower back pain is a common condition affecting the lower portion of the spine. It can result from muscle strains, spinal disc injuries, poor posture, or underlying health conditions. The pain may vary in intensity and can be accompanied by stiffness, decreased movement, and discomfort during physical activity. Effective management often requires a combination of physical therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and sometimes medical treatment.
Sciatica is a specific type of pain that originates in the lower back and travels down the sciatic nerve in the leg. Characterized by sharp, shooting pain, numbness, or tingling sensations that extend from the lower back through the buttocks and down one leg, it’s commonly caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Treatment options include physical therapy, medication, and, in severe cases, surgery to alleviate the pressure on the nerve.

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