Lower Back Pain Expert Greenwich

Lower Back Pain

Having lower back pain is a common problem, but it’s not something you should accept. Many people have tried to rest, take some pills, and hope that it goes away. However, in nearly all cases, it becomes worse and more frequent until it’s taking over your life. But there are natural ways to relieve lower back pain, and get back to living a happy, and active lifestyle without stiffness and discomfort when you move.

There are many different presentations Darren sees in the clinic when it comes to people with low back and pelvic girdle pain. Some of the most common are unilateral, low back pain; pain on one side of the low back.

What Is Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is a common condition affecting the lower portion of the spine. It can result from muscle strains, spinal disc injuries, poor posture, or underlying health conditions. The pain may vary in intensity and can be accompanied by stiffness, decreased movement, and discomfort during physical activity. Effective management often requires a combination of physical therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and sometimes medical treatment.

Where is my lower back pain coming from?

It can come from the joints, in the spine, the facet joints, it can come from the pelvis and the sacroiliac joints, or it can come from the hip. Often in these situations the patients are aggravated by walking, moving the spine, turning in bed, bending forwards, and even going up and down stairs.

Another common presentation is central low back pain, plus or minus leg pain, sometimes discogenic in nature.

Why Haven’t You Been Able To Cure Your Lower Back Pain Before?

These conditions are often aggravated by sitting, coughing, sneezing or bending forward. Another common presentation is buttock pain. Sometimes the buttock pain is there with central low back pain or unilateral back pain, sometimes it’s there by itself.

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